Friday 5 October 2012

My School Magazine cover Evaluation


I was set a task to create a school magazine cover to give to students from years 7-13 and it had to appeal to them all and tell you news about what is going off around the school. I choose my mast head to be called ‘Target’ I thought this would be a good title for it because it links into the schools values. I placed this into the left hand corner at the top in black with a white outline so it stands out on the shelf and makes it look effective. I choose house style colours of grey, white and black I choose these because I think that they are very formal and look very respectable for a school magazine. I repeated and used these colours on my content page Aswell therefore making the entire magazine connect together. I edited my main image to black and white in the back ground to match the house style also. 

This takes the whole of the cover up showing it stand out from the rest and connecting to the main cover line the cover line I have created shows and tells the reader exactly what they will be reading about even without having to go all the way through the magazine to find out what its going to be talking about. I think that my magazine suits my target audience because it is the age range from 11 year olds to 18 year olds meaning it has to be simple but informing them at the same time. Using photo shop I created a photo which I would class as a plug when I was creating this I thought what I thought of another topic which the reader would be really interested in. I took a photo of three school pupils and put a background onto it making the image looking more realistic and showing that they went to Paris.

 Next to this image I wrote a cover line which connects with the image to tell them about what’s happening in the photo and to see what is going to be in the magazine. I tried used 6th former's as the models for my images because I think that they would incise readers and students round the school because they look up to them as older role models. Therefore they will want to learn about what they have been doing and make them want to do what they are doing. When improving my front cover I think that I could have used more cover lines and strap line to persuade the reader to read it more. This would also explain more about what’s inside the magazine giving them more information I could have done this by doing a strap line along the bottom of the cover using the house colours. When using photo shop to create my front cover I used lots of different tools such as the magic wand to edit my images, the text tool to add my strap lines and cover lines, rubber tool to make it look faded and add effect onto the images.

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