Tuesday 23 October 2012

Bauer Media Research

Bauer Media is one of the many industries which publish magazines. By publishing I mean that this company sells the magazine on onto stores. This company offers over 300 magazines within 15 countries they also do radio and TV shows. Bauer is a large company in the media industry.

As a company they have different target audiences because of the wide variety of products they offer in the media. A example of the diffrent products are: music channels which include 4 music, box and radio stations such as hallam fm which is a local radio station and smash hits radio that would be a national radio station. They do publish gossip magazines such as “More” and “Closer” these two magazines have the same target audience on which I am aiming my magazine at.

Bauer Media is a sister company of one of the UK's biggest TV listing and magazines such as Take a Break and Bella, H Bauer Publishing.

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