Wednesday 17 October 2012

Double Page spread 2 - analysis

This double page spread if found in the pop magazine "smash hits" as you can see we have a young hip celebrity who is an idol to a lot of teenage girls. Making her the main story line in this magazine. The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls using an idol who young girls want to look and act like meaning they will read the magazine to find out more information about the star. The house style is carried out from the front cover to the content page and now to the double page spread showing the effect and making the magazine look recognizable. The image that has been used is a long shot of the singer who the article is about giving her one full A4. In the image the singer is where very dark colours in front of a white bright background making her stand out this makes the image clear and easy to see. 

By using a image so big if the reader does not look at the content page then when they are flicking through the magazine and see this image they will insistently know what this part of the magazine will be about and stop and read or move on to a bit they are more interested in. Also it shows the reader what the magazine is trying to focus on and who is the new latest celebrity to look and be like. This article is set out in to columns like how you would read a news paper making it easy to follow and read without getting to confused. The text is very informal giving the target audience more reason to read it as it has been written how the interview would have been spoken. 

The mast head is large and takes up one half of the A4 i have been used through the colours that are used on the house style and written in a informal way as if the celebrity is speaking t you. This mast head is giving you a briefing on what the article is actually going to be about making it easy for the reader/target audience. The text that has been used throughout the article is very simple, clear and bold this fits in with the style of writing and how the house style works throughout this magazine. I will be taking some of the ideas from this double page spread and adding them into my own designs. 

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