Wednesday 24 October 2012

Production Company Name and Logo

Here is my logo for my publishing company that will take the magazine I am going to create and publish to the shops and internet. I have chosen to call my company "Singer's Publishing". I chose to all my company this because it is easy to remember and I wanted people to no the logo and company name without even having to think about it like logos such as "Facebook" everybody knows the logo. I kept my design simple by just using the being letters of the company name. I also made the logo use a sans serif font in a hot pink I decided to use these particular fonts and colours because this is the style which I will use in my magazine as its house style. Therefore, I thought that by making the magazine style match the logo style my target audience would be able to identify which the publishes is. 

When I was creating my logo and company name I had to think about company's which already existed meaning I had to do some research on logos in the UK. My first idea was to use my initials "PS", I then did some research and found out that the company "Play station" had these to letters as there logo. I then decided because it was such a big well known company I did not want the public getting the two logos mixed up and getting done for copyright because of the similarity. Therefore, I then changed my idea and decided to use "Singer's Publishing" to be my logo and company name.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing for more info. visit
