Wednesday 17 October 2012

Content Page 2 - analysis

This is my second content page for a pop magazine for the magazine "We love pop" the content page for this magazine is total different for to the "top of the pops" I think this content page is less clear and not as easy to understand. When looking at this content page its set out into sections with the mast head at the top left hand corner then the information set into four different sections. The target audience is hard to work out for this magazine because the colours which are used are not girly so will not attract girls to pick up this magazine they are very boring colours which don't stand out very well. Although the images that have been used on this page are of hot boy celebrity s so shows you that this target audience is aimed at girls as well as boys. 

The mast head is very bold and clear with the "o" blocked out this give these content page a different look for the magazine as it is carried out as the house style and is used throughout the magazine. The font that's been used is sans serif this fits in well with this magazine as an appropriate size for reading . The text on the page is very informal and shows us as the reader that  the target audience is aimed at teenagers so they understand what they are reading. On this content page there as been a equal amount of use of the images and text giving the reader the decision what they what to look at to find the page they are looking for.

A big selling point on this magazine will be that there is a lot of images when teenagers buy magazines they want to be able to tell whats going off without having to sit and read the whole article and this is why this magazine "we love pop" does well and sells well. Finally the last reason that this magazine does well is because of the colours which have been used although it does not show clearly who the target audience is aimed at the colours that have been used shows the house style of the magazine. Making the magazine recognizable in shops and super markets.

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