Wednesday 17 October 2012

Content Page 1 - analysis

For this task I also had to analyse a content page for a pop magazine. Here is a picture of a content page from the pop magazine "Top of the pops", as you can see the page is nicely set and out and you can easily understand how to work out what page everything is on. The house style that is used throughout the top of the pops magazine has been continued here. using bright girly colours to attract the target audience in this case is young teenage girls. The fount that had been used for the mast head is very curly so you know that it is the serif font style making the text have the effect of  it has been hand written. This font attracts the target audience because it is a nice font to clearly read and the reader can read it easily. 

This content page has been split up into sections mainly into three columns and then into sections with a brief heading at the top telling you what these pages include.I think this is a good idea because if the reader is looking through the magazine for one thing it can easily be found without having to read through the whole of the content page. images which link with pages that are in the magazine have the page numbers onto of them making it easier to find. The page numbers that have images that are connected with them are usually the most popular stories that are in the magazine because the magazine company will not want to bore you with stories that the reader will not want to know a lot about. 

the page numbers are big,bold and bright making it clear for the reader to understand which page goes to which page number, this will make the magazine sell more because the target audience that it is aimed at will not want a magazine that is confusing and hard to work out where everything is. They have also done this buy putting a image of the main font cover on that tent page the reader will like this idea because they don't have to read through all the topics on the content page to see which one will be about a story they have seen on the front. it shows you clearly and the reader will be able to find the story easier making a big selling point for the magazine.

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