Tuesday 6 November 2012

Proposal - Music Magazine

For my media project I have been given the task to create a front cover, content page and double page spread of a music magazine. My target audience that I have chosen to aim my magazine at is older teenagers (16-18 year olds). I have decided to use this as my target audience because I think there is a gap in the industry which doesn’t focus on the less “Hot new artists” therefore by doing this I can fit my magazine into this gap. I have chosen the genre of pop because with television program “X Factor” and “The Voice”  artists such as “Jessie J” and “Little Mix” there is not a magazine in that industry which fit with this genre.

In my research I have looked at how different pop magazines are produced such as the way the main image has been taken and what shots have been used. I also reached the types of plugs and puffs which a pop magazine advertises. I also analyse magazine front covers, content pages and a double page spread. I compared different styles of pop magazines for example top of the pops and smash hits. I will use cameras, computers and editing program called photo shop on the Macs which will be hired out in a suite with all the technology which I will need to produce it. We will produce my magazine I will use photo shop on the pcs. We will have a budget of £5,000.

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