Wednesday 14 November 2012

Photoshoot Plan, Loction and Equitment

My photo shot for my music pop magazine will be taking place soon before this I have to plan out what will take place at the photo shot. I will need to take six different images four with the same model and then two with different models. My first photo which I will be taking is a photo for my main image on my front cover I will be doing a medium close up from the whist up. My model will be making shapes with her hands round her face to make the image more interesting, the model which I will be using will be smiling with her mouth open. Her clothing will be a light grey or a light pink but you will only be able to see the top half of it. My second image will also be with the same model but this time she will be wearing pink converse, black trousers and a t-shirt. The model will have an accessory in her hand modelling the prop. The model will be model so she modelling on the random pink shapes that are in the back ground of the magazine.

My final two images of the model will be closes ups of the model that will be used on the content page and the double page spread. They will be a close up of the models face just smiling with the same clothes on which she is wearing on the main image on the front cover. My other two images will be with different models, the first image I will be of two teenage boys one with ginger hair and one with brown hair. They will be wearing causal clothes model around each other one sat on the floor and one stood up behind. The one sat on the floor will be holding a guitar in his hand. My final image will be taken of a brown haired girl will a black top on this will be a medium shot of her walking down the street with shopping bags. I will use the effect of her walking down a high street shopping.

The equipment that I will need when creating my photo shoot will be 4 models, a camera, tripod, the outfits which the models will be wearing, make up, bright lighting, green screen and shopping bags. These are items which will be in my photo shoot and will need to remember. I will be using two different locations for my photo shoot the first place will be a street the street will be a long street with a road in the centre and houses at one side. I will take the image on a cold day but not so it’s raining I want the image to just look cold. The health and safety for this location will be very strict I will have to make sure that the road traffic is not to busy and do it at a reasonable time of the day so that its not to busy so me and my models do not get hurt. I will need to make sure that my models have easy access to a toilet and that we have someone on hand that are trained in first aid. I need to make sure that the weather is a dry day so there is no rain or snow or storms so my model is in a safe environment. I will also have to get permission from my teacher to make sure I will be able of sight to take the images.

My final location on where I will be taking the images will be the performing arts block at my school. Here I will use a green screen or a white back ground that is there. Here is a safe environment for a photo shoot as there is no equipment around where the models can get hurt and also is a bright and airy place. The area is very large and will be enough space of the photo shoot which I want to proceed, there is a good access for the toilets for the models to go and get ready in and also very good access. They can access this building very easily.

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