Monday 12 November 2012


When thinking about my celebrity's I also have to think about what they where called, when doing research I had to think about names that have already been used and had to look at the styles of names which are out already. I noticed that the names for pop celebrity's are short and two syllable names I have came to the decision that my main star will be called "Ella Field" I chose this name because when I think of this name no celebrity's that are out have that name so no one pops into my head. Also, its easy to remember that's why I think that this would fit the genre of my magazine best. 

Front Cover-
I  decided to use one of my friends as my main model for my magazine front cover. I have decided to use her as the model because she has and older looking face and is pretty with long blonde hair. Meaning that the style of model that she is will fit with what my target audience will be attracted to, they will look at the main image model as a role model or someone they are attracted depending on what they think. I wanted my main image to be a close up of just my models face, but I they did some research about Pop magazines main images and they were mostly close up or medium close ups therefore I decided to do my main image as that style to. I also noticed that they were all doing a movement with their hands and that’s what I will proceed to do on my front image. Making the model where bright colours that do not class with my house style “Hot pink” and also sit the model on a white background making the model stand out. 

Content Page- 
On my content page I will stick with my models being at the age range as my model on my main image therefore it sticks in with my house style and also keeping my target audience fixed with the magazine and audience. In my content page I will use a different image showing what is on every page. My models will be shot in different styles like extreme close ups, close ups and medium shots ect.. I will use these to make them look effective making my content page look more interesting i will also use the similar outfit colours that i used on my main image because i want my image to fit with all my house style throughout the magazine.

Double Page Spread- 

My double page spread model will be the same model which I will be using on the front cover; I will be using the same model because this will be my main story in my magazine. On this page my model will be wearing the same outfit which she is wearing on my main image. But I have decided that I will do a long shot of my model because it will show more of her body langue also she will be in a pose that makes the target audience want to look at it other than just stood there. 

Here are some images which I have found which I am going to take some ideas from and use on my model:

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