Tuesday 13 November 2012

Double Page Spread Mock

Finally here is my double page spread mock once again I have stuck to the same house style which I have used through the rest of my magazine using the hot pink random shapes around the page giving it the girly effect. I have also added my mast head into this I will not be using this font as I will be using the font that I will be choosing to use throughout my magazine I have decided to put my mast head for this page in the center I thought that this would add a bit of difference into the page and also because the tile will be in quotations therefore will be different from the precious pages. On the left hand page I am going to take a extreme long shot of the model which I have used on the front I will use a extreme long shot to show the effect of the model standing on the shapes on the magazine and also to vary out my shots that I have used. On the first page of my double page spread I have created the mast head to be a third of the way down using a large font. In the text I will introduce the model with the text going straight along the page but as it goes into the interview the page will become into two columns to match the house style of how the content page is set out. Through out the columns there will be two quotes that I have taken out of the interview in the same font but in speech marks but larger and in hot pink to stand out and also to break the text up. Finally, at the bottom of the last column I will be doing a little bit of advertising placing a small picture of the single image that will be took with a bit of publishing information about when the single will be coming out. 

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