Monday 12 November 2012

Double Page Spread - Interview

Here we have the hottest star that is just about to release her new single into the UK. Ella Field came to light in 2010 when winning the talent show "Fame" in the city Chicago, then went on to selling over 20,000 singles in the US. After her single made such a massive hit she went onto create an album and to promote it in the US only and because this was also a massive hit. She has come all the way from the United States Ella. Hey Ella thank you for coming to our studio today.

Ella: Its okay, thanks for having me here in the UK, I love It here.

Interviewer: So Ella you’re first ever single is going to be released into the UK how do you do feel about that?

Ella: Omg! I’m so excited I can’t wait I am performing it live in the UK for the first time why I am over here. I am very nervous but excited to see all the fans and to show them my new single.
New Single”

Interviewer: What’s the next step after releasing your new single in the UK?

Ella: Well we are not meant to be telling anyone but I am setting up my first tour which hopefully will be in the beginning of 2014. It will be my first ever tour and hopefully my first of many.

Interviewer: oooh! We look forward in hearing more about that in the future. So your new single is called “Free” is there any reason for the lyrics and song name about this single?

Ella: Well as you may know it’s been in the news release I did just split up with my boyfriend and this song is just about how there’s no one holding me back now. I can make my own decisions without worrying about anyone else.

Interviewer: Yes we all heard about you breaking up. But we have heard rumours about you being a new wag can you tell us anything about this?

Ella: oh god! NOOO! Me and Tom are just really good friends and have been since we were young and the papers have just got the wrong end of the stick. He’s like a brother to me.

“He’s like a brother to me”

Interviewer: We will believe that when we see it haha, so how you loving the new fame being in all the magazines and papers you loving it?

Ella: It’s better than you can ever imagine everyone sees it on television but it’s nothing that anyone can imagine it’s absolutely amazing. I have loved every moment of it. I’m living the child hood dream I wanted.

Interviewer: Awh! That’s great! Well that’s all we have time for today unfortunately. Thanks again Ella we look forward to seeing you on the X Factor and seeing you soon. Look out for Ella Fields new single out soon in stores. 

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