Tuesday 13 November 2012

Front Cover Mock

Here is my mock of what my front cover is going to look like as you can see I have chosen my large main image to fill the whole of the page using it as the back ground as well as the main image. The image will have a white back ground making the image, mast head and the plugs and puffs stand out more. On my main image I will be using a medium close up of my model doing something with her hands. She will also start in my double page spread showing that the magazine mostly focuses on her. My mast head will be in a large fount around 90 - 100 in a hot pink colour at the top left hand side of the page.I have chosen to call my magazine "Simply Pop" because its short and snappy easy to remember and also there is no previous magazines which have used this mast head name. I have also used my research by knowing to put the mast head to the left so it can be viewed well in stores where it will be sold. The font that i will be using will be a sans serif font I have chosen this fount because it’s a very girly font and would fit with my target audience i have been looking through the styles of font that i think will best suit my front page and will decide when creating my cover which best fits in with my image.  My puffs and plugs which will be scatted across the cover will be in the same style font as the mast head. The colours in which I will be using for these will be in the hot pink the same as the mast head or black to stand out from the back ground. Finally, my main strap line will be in a larger font from the puffs and plugs on average about 75 and will be across the center on the image more towards the right on the main cover. 

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