Thursday 13 September 2012

Magazine - Content Page Analysis

This is a content page from the gossip magazine "OK!" This magazine has a target audience of older teenage's and young adults giving them news on the latest celebrity news, style and ways of living. The mast head on the content page has logo inserted on to it and is over the the left hand side in a black sans serif font.The logo has changed from the one on the main cover and  is highlighted in pink this makes it stand out of the page. you can also tell the difference between mast head and the logo because of the font and colour. The mast head stands out on this content page more than what you see on others because it has been placed on a white background making the mast head more clear because of the contrast.

The colours which are used are very bright and catchy the colours that have been used are not the house style colours that are used on the front of a usual "OK!" magazine as the usual house style colour is red but this time they have used pinks and purples. The colours which they have chosen to use are girly colours which attract girls because the colours are nice and what they would go for like the attraction that boys have to the colour red.The layout of the content page is set out into columns this makes the contents page easy to use and work out on what page the different articles are on. The columns are very simple and give you a briefing of what is on each page so you no without going into depth about the page. 

In the magazine "OK!" every month they will just change the images by dropping them in but will usually not change the layout of the content page and this happens to most magazine they will just change the images and the text which is in them. Images are a massive selling point in the "OK!" magazine because the target it audience will prefer to look at images then reading through the text. Many images are used on the content page giving the reader clear knowledge on what will be found in he magazine and where things are. This attracts the reader as they can just see what else is in the magazine without going into detail and reading through the content  images such as the lady in the pink bikini also attracts the reader as they are like role models many women would like too look like this and think by reading this they can find ways on looking like this.This is why magazines chose to use women models more than just using the latest hot male celebrity.

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