Monday 17 September 2012

Language change formal-informal

Leaked letter shows Ofqual forced the exam board to change GSCE English grade boundaries two weeks before they were giving out. Letters show the regulator wrote a edxcel amid concerns that they change it up to a C this means they will move quicker to make results closer for the subject.

The board the next day decided that the grades where fair and that they will not be changed.

Gleny Stacey wrote a letter and it got out too the public so the public started to hate her meaning that it made her resign.

A head teacher said that Stacey’s job was on shaky grounded anyway. “they felt that there was that much pressure that had too bring the C grade down”. The letters to and from efqual said that “proper” the regulators had to make sure that they are kept and easy to compare with previous years.

In Wales hundreds of pupils where meant to get higher GCSE’s than what they got the education master made sure all of there papers where re-marked in contrast to England.

Leighton Andre said Welsh students have been victimised of an “injustice” act.

Two weeks before the GCSE results were given out edexcal then replied.

Grade predictions are a guide of a student’s performance. Other things are taken into account items like the new modular exam system and year group changes. Edexcel think that there awards are four and do not need to be looked at again.

If Ofqual requests the board to alter marks the required for a C in English would go up to 65 out of 96. 10 marks higher than in January Ofqual said that edexcal should be sure that there results are the same as others.

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