Monday 17 September 2012

Magazine - Double Page Spread Analysis

This is a double page spread from a music magazine "Q" this is a interview for the celebrity Brendon Flowers. This page has used the colour red,white and black these colours are striking so they catch there attention as red is a colour the brain alerts to. As red is a warning colour and sets a alarm in your head. These colour link with the house style colours as this magazine 'Q' always use these colours from the front cover all the way through the magazine. The small parts of information are in boxes of these colours too (red and white) as these are the main house style coloursThe column contradict themselves on one side there are four columns and on the other side there is three making the double page spread look very uneven and therefore it comes out of the house style.

The images which have been used link to the text very well as he is talking about his music career and the image is the celebrity with musical interments . You only have to look at the images to know what the text is talking about, the images fit in with the house style very well as they link to what is being used on every page as they link to what is being used on every page as they do this on most interview pages in this style of magazine. The mast head for this page is bold and you can see it clearly as it stands out from the text showing you that it is the main heading. The heading also fits in with the house style of the magazine, using the red, black and white colours again.

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