Monday 10 September 2012

Media Techniques

Media is made up with different techniques here are a few and there meanings: 

-Target Audience -
A target audience is the group of people which the product is aimed at and who the product would most attract. for example: Heat magazine target audience would be female older teenagers and young adults because it has the top celeb gossip in and would attract the audiences attention. 

        -Genre -
       This is what separates the types of movies. there are many times of movies such as horror,action,romance ect.. This is what genra is it is the style of the movies and will tell the audience if they will enjoy it as they will know if its there type of movie. 

ji    Codes -
        Is a way of conveying meaning without using words.

          - Conventions - 
       Is what you expect too see in genre for example in a horror movie you expect a pretty girl who is usually alone to be in danger.

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