Monday 17 September 2012

Magazine - Front Cover Analysis

The mast head is in the left hand corner of the magazine so when the magazine is in stores on the shelf and is behind other magazine it can be easily spotted by the reader. The mast head is wrote in white which makes it stand out from the bright red background that it is on top of giving the mast head a clear standing out view of the magazine. They use the colours red for the mast head because it attracts the audience as it gives a sign of alert in the readers head. You will see this with other gossip magazines such as "Heat" they use read because its what the human brain is most attracted to. This is a house style for this magazine as throughout it they use the red from the background on where the mast head is, I have started to notice that the house style colours are used all the way through the "OK!" magazine but not on the contents pages which they tend to use the colours pink and purple so the magazine contradicts itself very well here by not using the house colours. 

The large image has been used as the background in this magazine and this runs with "OK!" house style they will more than likely use there main story lines image as the background of the magazine. Usually they use a celebrity which is really well know and popular in the news around this time also they will usually use a girl which women would like to look/act like and is a role model to them. In okay as there main image they will usually use a celebrity that have juicy gossip about them and is in the news a lot at the time the magazine goes into stores. The main cover line is sat on top of the main image giving you more information on why they celebrity is the hottest topic in the magazine. This magazine write there main cover lines and extra cover lines in red boxes to match the mast head going along withe the house style once again. 

They also do this with other cover lines and use puffs within them to engage the reader. 

The strap line for the "OK!" magazine runs under the mast head giving the reader the attraction. I have found that for the "OK!" magazine one of the biggest selling points is the puffs. I think that the puffs are one of the biggest selling points in the "OK!" magazine because they are highlighted in yellow making them stand out from the rest of the text and images that are used on the front cover of the magazine they use words like "new" and "exclusive". They have to used these words to persuade the reader to buy the magazine and see the new things that not many people have seen before. The font which has been used on the front cover is sans serif they have used this font because the target audience is not always just aimed at females some males do like it and enjoy reading it. The font which has been used also fits in right with the format of writing as it is informal but not as informal as other magazine it has no use of slang words in this magazine making the magazine look and seem more formal.

Magazine - Double Page Spread Analysis

This is a double page spread from a music magazine "Q" this is a interview for the celebrity Brendon Flowers. This page has used the colour red,white and black these colours are striking so they catch there attention as red is a colour the brain alerts to. As red is a warning colour and sets a alarm in your head. These colour link with the house style colours as this magazine 'Q' always use these colours from the front cover all the way through the magazine. The small parts of information are in boxes of these colours too (red and white) as these are the main house style coloursThe column contradict themselves on one side there are four columns and on the other side there is three making the double page spread look very uneven and therefore it comes out of the house style.

The images which have been used link to the text very well as he is talking about his music career and the image is the celebrity with musical interments . You only have to look at the images to know what the text is talking about, the images fit in with the house style very well as they link to what is being used on every page as they link to what is being used on every page as they do this on most interview pages in this style of magazine. The mast head for this page is bold and you can see it clearly as it stands out from the text showing you that it is the main heading. The heading also fits in with the house style of the magazine, using the red, black and white colours again.

Language change formal-informal

Leaked letter shows Ofqual forced the exam board to change GSCE English grade boundaries two weeks before they were giving out. Letters show the regulator wrote a edxcel amid concerns that they change it up to a C this means they will move quicker to make results closer for the subject.

The board the next day decided that the grades where fair and that they will not be changed.

Gleny Stacey wrote a letter and it got out too the public so the public started to hate her meaning that it made her resign.

A head teacher said that Stacey’s job was on shaky grounded anyway. “they felt that there was that much pressure that had too bring the C grade down”. The letters to and from efqual said that “proper” the regulators had to make sure that they are kept and easy to compare with previous years.

In Wales hundreds of pupils where meant to get higher GCSE’s than what they got the education master made sure all of there papers where re-marked in contrast to England.

Leighton Andre said Welsh students have been victimised of an “injustice” act.

Two weeks before the GCSE results were given out edexcal then replied.

Grade predictions are a guide of a student’s performance. Other things are taken into account items like the new modular exam system and year group changes. Edexcel think that there awards are four and do not need to be looked at again.

If Ofqual requests the board to alter marks the required for a C in English would go up to 65 out of 96. 10 marks higher than in January Ofqual said that edexcal should be sure that there results are the same as others.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Magazine - Content Page Analysis

This is a content page from the gossip magazine "OK!" This magazine has a target audience of older teenage's and young adults giving them news on the latest celebrity news, style and ways of living. The mast head on the content page has logo inserted on to it and is over the the left hand side in a black sans serif font.The logo has changed from the one on the main cover and  is highlighted in pink this makes it stand out of the page. you can also tell the difference between mast head and the logo because of the font and colour. The mast head stands out on this content page more than what you see on others because it has been placed on a white background making the mast head more clear because of the contrast.

The colours which are used are very bright and catchy the colours that have been used are not the house style colours that are used on the front of a usual "OK!" magazine as the usual house style colour is red but this time they have used pinks and purples. The colours which they have chosen to use are girly colours which attract girls because the colours are nice and what they would go for like the attraction that boys have to the colour red.The layout of the content page is set out into columns this makes the contents page easy to use and work out on what page the different articles are on. The columns are very simple and give you a briefing of what is on each page so you no without going into depth about the page. 

In the magazine "OK!" every month they will just change the images by dropping them in but will usually not change the layout of the content page and this happens to most magazine they will just change the images and the text which is in them. Images are a massive selling point in the "OK!" magazine because the target it audience will prefer to look at images then reading through the text. Many images are used on the content page giving the reader clear knowledge on what will be found in he magazine and where things are. This attracts the reader as they can just see what else is in the magazine without going into detail and reading through the content  images such as the lady in the pink bikini also attracts the reader as they are like role models many women would like too look like this and think by reading this they can find ways on looking like this.This is why magazines chose to use women models more than just using the latest hot male celebrity.

Monday 10 September 2012

Media Techniques

Media is made up with different techniques here are a few and there meanings: 

-Target Audience -
A target audience is the group of people which the product is aimed at and who the product would most attract. for example: Heat magazine target audience would be female older teenagers and young adults because it has the top celeb gossip in and would attract the audiences attention. 

        -Genre -
       This is what separates the types of movies. there are many times of movies such as horror,action,romance ect.. This is what genra is it is the style of the movies and will tell the audience if they will enjoy it as they will know if its there type of movie. 

ji    Codes -
        Is a way of conveying meaning without using words.

          - Conventions - 
       Is what you expect too see in genre for example in a horror movie you expect a pretty girl who is usually alone to be in danger.